Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Deep Summer Chills, Epics and Icons



PLOT:  How Gru as a young boy always wanted to be a villain and gets his wish along with his yellow pals.

WHAT IS GOOD:  The 70 music, the evil group the Vicious Six and the wacky, wonder minions.  It is a joy to watch the crazy antics of them.

WHAT IS WRONG:  The ending is way out but what do you expect from villains who want to take over the world.

SHOULD YOU WATCH:  Most definitely!  It is very funny and entertaining.  Great for the young and the young at heart.



PLOT:   The Gabber is a murder and kidnapper of teen boys but his latest victim gets help from his previous victims on the black phone in the basement.

WHAT IS GOOD:  The two young stars Mason Thomas as Finney who gets bullied a lot but is very resilient when a serial child killer has him.  Madeline McGraw as Gwen Finney’s funny, feisty and psychic sister.  The backstory tells why they are like that.  Ethan Hawke is creepy as “The Grabber.” 

WHAT IS WRONG:  The film is a slow burn!  It takes a long while to get going.  It is NOT a slasher where teens get killed every ten minutes.  No jump scares either.

SHOULD YOU WATCH:  If you like scary, well-thought out  intelligent thrillers-YES!   



PLOT:  Another movie about the legendary singer by the point of view his manger Colonel Tom Parker.

WHAT IS GOOD:  Tom Hanks is unrecognizable as Colonel Tom Parker aka Andreas Corenlis (Dries) Van Kuijk who was Dutch.  He was con man who knew  two things-talent and how to exploit it for his own good.  Hanks does not play a nice guy in this one.  Elvis (Austin Bulter) is good as Elvis.

WHAT IS BAD:  In all film biographies  leave or emphasis certain times of the performer’s life.  If you are interested read books about them.  The movie is long but it may not cover everything.

SHOULD YOU WATCH:  If you like biographies-yes.  The acting is very good yet you seen it all before-mangers pleasing the star, betraying and doing whatever to keep star going.  If you are a fan you may point out  the parts that did and did not happen. 




PLOT:    Thor has to change to save Asguard from the Gorr, The God Killer.

WHAT IS GOOD:   Christian Bale as Gorr.  He is a tragic figure as well as a villain. He isn’t in the movie much but when he is, his presence is fantastic!  The look of the film is amazing.  Chris Hemsworth looks great.  Russell Crowe is humorous with his strange accent as Zeus.

WHAT IS WRONG:  It is too funny at times like Thor: Ragnarok.  It is amusing but they overdo it most of the time.

SHOULD YOU SEE WATCH:  YES!!  It does have a lot going for it as much as it has against it.  If you are a true fan of Thor or Chris Hemsworth  you will enjoy this –if not wait!


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